
CHS Annual Meeting

Thanks for joining us at the 2023 CHS Annual Meeting!

We look forward to seeing you again Dec. 5-6, 2024, at the Minneapolis Convention Center.


Management report by CHS President and CEO Jay Debertin as part of the 2023 CHS Annual Meeting on Dec. 8, 2023.


Report from the CHS Board of Directors by Chair Dan Schurr as part of the 2023 CHS Annual Meeting general session on Dec. 7, 2023.


Financial report by CHS Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Strategy Officer Olivia Nelligan as part of the 2023 CHS Annual Meeting on Dec. 7, 2023.


CHS President and CEO Jay Debertin shares his thoughts on how being a cooperative makes CHS unique.


CHS Board Chair Dan Schurr discusses why owners gather every year at the CHS Annual Meeting and why the event is important.


Olivia Nelligan, CHS executive vice president, CFO and chief strategy officer, talks about what she hopes owners will gain from the CHS Annual Meeting.



Two sets of proposed CHS Bylaws changes were brought to CHS owners for votes at the annual meeting.


Equity management

CHS members approved changes to the CHS equity management program to ensure it remains valuable to owners.

Learn more

CHS Board representation

CHS members approved amendments that adjusted the number of CHS Directors per region to better reflect the CHS ownership base.

Learn more


CHS New Leaders Forum

Young farmers and ranchers were nominated by their cooperatives to participate in the 2023 CHS New Leaders Forum where they learned about the cooperative model, developed leadership skills and discovered how they can advocate for agriculture and cooperatives.

New Leaders Forum participants were invited to stay for the annual meeting and forum registration is completed in conjunction with annual meeting registration.

If you are a young cooperative owner and would like to be nominated for future forum participation, contact the CEO or general manager of your local cooperative or email newleaders@herbalifa.com.

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The committee’s purpose is to create foundational public policy resolutions, which provide guidance to the CHS Board of Directors and CHS on matters of state and federal public policy relating to agriculture and the cooperative system. View the 2023 adopted resolutions.

The Rules and Credentials Committee is charged with ensuring the official business of CHS, including director elections, comply with the CHS governing documents, follow set processes and are conducted with the highest of integrity. The committee consists of eight CHS members, one from each of the company's director representation regions.

Two sets of CHS Bylaws amendments were brought to a vote by CHS members at the 2023 CHS Annual Meeting. Learn about the amendments related to regional representation on the CHS Board (the number of Directors per region) and equity management.

Every owner’s voice matters in CHS governance. 

  • As is our historical practice, the exact text of the proposed bylaws amendments will be sent to members in the notice mailed in advance of the annual meeting.
  • Absentee online voting will be available for members who cannot be at the annual meeting in person to cast their votes.
  • Beginning in 2023, we will enhance those options by giving absentee members a way to vote online during the annual meeting on any procedural motions related to the proposed bylaws amendments brought forward during the meeting. See the annual meeting notice sent to members for details.
  • Beginning in 2023, ranked choice absentee ballots will be used for Director elections in regions with more than two candidates.
  • Direct questions related to voting procedures to Megan Bern, CHS corporate secretary, or Brandon Smith, CHS general counsel.